Friday, May 05, 2006

Listen Up!!

Today I was informed by my three year-old son’s preschool teacher that he refuses to hold his crayon correctly, that he lags far behind his peers in paper-cutting and that, as a consequence, he’s in danger of being unprepared to enter Kindergarten. A year and a half from now.

And this is not the first time I’ve gotten this type of report about my little son. The time before, the teacher asked whether I’d had Thomas’ ears checked. “He appears to have a hearing problem,” she said.

“No,” I countered. “He doesn’t.” Then I went on. “What he has is what every man I’ve ever known has. And it’s not a hearing problem, it’s a listening problem.” I uttered this statement with the certainty that can only come from having retreated to the furthest corner of the master bedroom closet to open a bag of chips in peace, only to have my little boy come dashing up the stairs and through two closed doors to find me, saying: “Mommy – have you got chips in there?”

The preschool teacher’s jaw hit the floor. But I was done talking, and so I swept my little man into my arms, kissed him on his chubby little cheeks, and took him home.

So what if he can’t cut a circle? So what if he refuses to hold his crayon in the proper manner? He’s three, for the love of God. And if he wants to cut zigzags and color like a deranged maniac, I’m prepared to accept that.

And someday, when they’re swearing him in to the Supreme Court, I’ll recall this day and smile.


Blogger Jane said...

Sounds like your sons teacher needs to dial it down a notch!

5:32 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

I couldn't cut in preschool either and I don't know whether I'm happy or sad to report that this issue is far from the biggest problem I have ever juggled. I also color for shit and yet have graduated college, traveled to Europe, started my own business, borne a child, accumulated a shocking amount of debt which is, after all, the American way, and learned by heart the opening Chorus to Henry V (O for a muse of fire...). I'm fine (all evidence on my blog to the contrary) and he will be, too. That woman has too much time on her hands if she's getting all bunged up about a little boy's art projects.

6:32 AM  
Blogger Criminal Minds Fan said...

I can remember Emily's kindergarten teacher bringing me in for a prent teacher meeting and informing me that Emily was holding her pencil in an incorrect manner and that I needed to work with her on it. I asked her if she could read Em's handwriting and she said that was beside the point. Screw her because my 9th grade Junior Honor Society member, straight A honor student still holds her pen that same "wrong" way and will probably doing so long after she adds Dr. to her many awards and titles.

There is nothing wrong with your son. It is the anal retentive teacher that needs to shut up and do her job. Next time she brings up this crap tell her you are not concerned with his ability to cut a straight line but rather whether he is educated enough by her to highlight his superior intelligence and that when he becomes a Supreme Court Justice he can hire someone else to cut damn circles for him should he ever need it done. Jill

7:48 AM  
Blogger Finn said...

How in heck can you hold a crayon the wrong way?

::mind boggles::

9:15 AM  
Blogger bogusboobs said...

Thanks, all ... I'm trying to be philosophical about it, and a little patient as well.

And for Jen: "Once more to the breach!"

11:59 AM  
Blogger The Rev. Dr. Kate said...

I have a six year old little boy with issues around cutting and coloring - I am happy to report he is surviving kindergarten just fine (and being promoted to first grade) and he is a healthy, happy, well-adjusted little boy! Yours will be, too, with you on his side!

1:28 PM  
Blogger ann said...

well, excuse me for rocking the boat, but I don't think I've ever seen an American hold a knife and fork correctly... LOL ;o))

4:01 PM  
Blogger bogusboobs said...

[Grace blows a little Raspberry in Ann's direction (East), but grudgingly acknowledges that she is indeed correct!]

7:09 AM  
Blogger ann said...

Thanks Grace .... mwahx

11:43 AM  
Blogger Axe said...

I hate school.
For me and for my kids.

...and that is all I have to say on this sore subject!!!

2:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pre-school is vastly overrated.

7:08 PM  

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