A Christmas Mitzvah
Every year my Mom does a big bash for Christmas Eve. Too much food, too much fun, just ... too much. And, every single year since there was a "family" in our family, we've had a visit from a real live Santa Claus. He brings a few presents and some holiday cheer to the whole assembly, and then departs before anyone notices that he smells like Grandpa, or that he’s wearing Uncle Ernie’s shoes.
In our house, Santa is decidedly non-sectarian. He brings gifts for Christian and Jew alike (because we usually have plenty of both), and everyone gets to sit on his lap. The problem in recent years, however, is that the kids are getting smarter and more inquisitive, and it's getting harder to find a Santa capable of fooling our little detectives, even for a few moments.
But this year's gonna be different. My sister and her husband are hosting an old friend of his for a couple of weeks, an Israeli Special Forces Something-or-Other who's in town for the holidays. His name is Ori (or something equally sexy and exotic), and he’s agreed to wear the Big Red Suit.
I think I’ve mentioned my little Catholic-girls-gone-wild fetish for the sons of Israel. Every one I ever dated treated me like a goddess, and my mother will never, ever forgive me for The One That Got Away back in 1994. So I’m positively quivering at the prospect of Ori, resplendent in the velvet suit and white wig, beckoning for me to sit in his lap and tell him what I really want for Christmas.
There’s just one problem: Mike and I are supposed to spend this Christmas Eve with his parents, as we do every second year. But I think that my flu shot must have been defective or something. I feel a little fever coming on …
oh my goodness, the mind boggles. The only Israeli ever to be dressed up as Father Christmas.... does he know what he is letting himself in for? Does he know what Santa is?
Right Grace... I need to know, very very very important. Is he single and how old is he? Whereabouts in Israel does he live, or has he done the Israeli exodus and moved to NY?
Apparently there's more Israelis per square foot of New York than in Israel.
You could be doing a very very big mitzvah here.
lotsa luv ann xxxxx
Ann: I will send you a private e-mail with the particulars, and a photo after Xmas. I am told that he is a total dish!
No fair!! How come Ann is the only one who rates a picture? What about Jill, Jen and I? Hey, if he's a good as he sounds, I'll convert! Perhaps he is bringing enough elves with him to go around? Please remember your blogger friends are single - you have to share the wealth!
This sounds incredibly kewl!!!
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