Thank You!!!

My brother Thomas and I just wanted to say thank you for what you both did to make our Mommy so happy. We know it was something good, ‘cause she baked us cookies and made us chocolate milk. And then she let us eat it all on the living room couch!
So we figure that you two are like the big people version of the Tooth Fairy. Because Mommy was saying something about dreams coming true and “fairies” or “fantasies” or something else with an “f” at the beginning of it. And then she went upstairs to her room with a bunch of stuff in her hands and closed the door and turned on the TV up there. Usually when she does that, Thomas and I try to sneak on up there and get into bed with her and watch TV too. Only we got cookies down here. And chocolate milk. So we are sure not moving.
Anyways, Thomas says that if you’re not the Tooth Fairy, then probably you gotta be those beautiful Angels that Grandma is always talking to. So thank you again, Angels. If you were here right now, we’d share our cookies with you. Well, probably.
Love, Maddie and Thomas
Well Princess Maddie & Prince Thomas, I know that Miss Judy will join me in saying your very welcome. I hope the chocolate milk and cookies were delicious.If your mom made the cookies then I know they were good. Please tell your mom that I am always amazed at Miss Judy's generousity. Just like your mommy she is a great role model for children and adults alike. Don't leave too many crumbs for mom to clean up. :)
All I can say, kids, is "you'll understand when you're older".
And "mmmm, cookies!"
Thanks so much again !!!
*basks in the afterglow*
So precious...although I must say, it looks like your kids are doing the 'Hail to the Queen' thing rather than a thank you...wait...isn't that the same thing ;)
Your Children are beautiful! Hope they're enjoying summer.
Dear Maddie and Thomas
Hello, this is auntie ann and you are two very lucky children to have such a wonderful mommy and I hope you thanked her with big sloppy kisses when she came downstairs with a big smile on her face... she was so pleased to see you so happy.
lots of luv and xxx's auntie ann
been there, done that, sent prayers of thanks and admiration to Jill and Judy for their kindness myself-those ladies really know how to treat their friends. isn't life just grand sometimes? I mean, really really fine every once and a while? And if it has anything to do with a halfnaked VDO, well, so much the better, I say.
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