Monday, August 13, 2007

Mother of the Year
Let's face it: I should have been standing right next to my little son as he tripped over and fell against the wall, lacerating his little skull. And I should have warned him against jumping around with that stupid Power Rangers helmet on (he obviously can't see worth a damn with the thing on, and it has since been put in the trash).
But I wasn't, and I didn't. I was in another room at the time of the accident, and all I could do afterwards was hold him down in the ER while they stapled his head back together (I took this photo while we waited to be seen; I'm going to post it someplace so I'll always remember the cost of a lack of vigilance).
I was as cheery as possible throughout the whole ordeal - so as not to overly frighten the little fellow - and I rewarded him with a warm bath and as many cuddles as he could stand.
Every time this sort of thing happens I feel a little like the tenth runner-up in the Mother of the Year contest. Sigh!


Blogger Jane said...

Oh poor little guy. Well, he has a badge of honor to show his friends.

Grace...Don't beat yourself up.

8:18 PM  
Blogger Claire said...

Bummer for the little dude... but as I can tell you as the mother of 2 big sons, it probably won't be the last time. Boys just do risky stuff and frequently get hurt in the process. Don't worry too much, I'll bet you are a terrific mom!

8:56 PM  
Blogger Axe said...

Oh, honey, accidents happen. You can't ALWAYS be there, so don't blame yourself. The fact that you even care, says that you are a good mom!

I hope he's feeling better, the poor baby!

3:03 AM  
Blogger The Rev. Dr. Kate said...

So glad to see you back! Hope is all is well. And, also as the mother of two boys, I can tell you get used to it. My 18 year old just ran head first into a tree playing Frisbee in the dark - its the male of the species. They lack a brain!

5:17 AM  
Blogger ann said...

if you're really really lucky this will be the first and last time...

as I said, if you're really really lucky.

Just remember, boys will be boys and there's many a tale I could tell of many an hour spent in the emergency room...

unless you're supergirl and wonderwoman wrapped up in one... you don't have eyes in the back of your head or x-ray vision

lotsa luv ann xxxxx

4:29 PM  
Blogger Riccie said...

Oh, sweetie...hit shappens. Part of growing up. Doesn't mean you're a bad mom. Your children are beautiful...and now he has a 'battle story' to share with friends, complete with possible scar, and he'll probably talk about it the rest of his life!

10:05 PM  

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