Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Not So Hot in the Baby-Sitting Department, Either!

My sweet friend is on bedrest during this (her fourth) pregnancy, and so I thought I'd take her three sons home to our place for a while to play. Two of them are shown here (flanking my Maddie and Thom at Center), having gotten into Maddie's dress-up stuff.

Apparently, I should spend less time in the kitchen, and more time monitoring the little ones in my charge!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Mother of the Year
Let's face it: I should have been standing right next to my little son as he tripped over and fell against the wall, lacerating his little skull. And I should have warned him against jumping around with that stupid Power Rangers helmet on (he obviously can't see worth a damn with the thing on, and it has since been put in the trash).
But I wasn't, and I didn't. I was in another room at the time of the accident, and all I could do afterwards was hold him down in the ER while they stapled his head back together (I took this photo while we waited to be seen; I'm going to post it someplace so I'll always remember the cost of a lack of vigilance).
I was as cheery as possible throughout the whole ordeal - so as not to overly frighten the little fellow - and I rewarded him with a warm bath and as many cuddles as he could stand.
Every time this sort of thing happens I feel a little like the tenth runner-up in the Mother of the Year contest. Sigh!

Monday, August 06, 2007

The Bitch is Baaack!

My mom took the family on what I've been calling a "Cruise to Nowhere." My Canadian husband hastily adds: "Canada is not nowhere!!" But since he elected not to get off of the ship and visit The Fatherland, it's acceptable to ignore him.
I've got to get back into a rhythm ... for now it'll be fun just to check in with my old friends! You all look fab-u-lous, by the way!